Recent Assaults, Robberies in popular area with tourists, Guayaquil Ecuador

Posted on February 12, 2013 • Filed under: Ecuador, Latin America, Tourist Warning

El reported that this past Saturday, February 9, 2013, there were three reported assaults and robberies at Cerro Santa Ana, in the center of Guayaquil. The first assault was when Roberto Rivera denounced Semiglia and was walking with his friend Christian Tapia to his vehicle when two armed men intercepted them to steal. Two assailants approached him at his vehicle which was parked below Cerro Santa Ana, displayed guns and threatened to kill them both. The robbers to cell phone and personal documents. One of the victims fought with one of the attackers and got hit in the head with the butt of the gun. On the same day, a Croatian national, Martin Toth, at the top of Cerro Santa Ana near the church was robbed of his backpack, books, and other items including cash. Neighbors in the area revealed to the press without providing their names that robberies on Cerro Santa Ana are common and committed by individuals form the surround area. One resident revealed that robberies have been committed in fron to security guards who refused to intervene in fear of reprisal. Read Article

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