Beware of scopolamine assaults Ecuador

Posted on August 21, 2012 • Filed under: Ecuador, Latin America, Tourist Warning reported that two chemical tests were performed in different nursing homes to determine the chemicals that caused the death of Ronald Veintimilla Alexis Diaz, 29, early Sunday, the day after his friend Rolando socialize with Leonel González Vélez assaulted them.

Lorena Vargas Morán González’s wife, says they went to Junior’s nightclub in Alborada, where they drank five glasses of whiskey each. Gonzalez, in the complaint indicates that when they left the premises to their homes they took a taxi recommended the guard of the disco. “He told us to go in that cab that was safe. It was a gray Hyundai. We got in the car and started vomiting Ronald. The driver stopped to clean a gas station. Then I saw a man next to me and I do not remember anymore, “narrates the affected. Read Article

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