Tourist from U.S. robbed by transvestites in Mexico City

Posted on November 29, 2013 • Filed under: Latin America, Mexico, Tourist Scam reported thatbBehind bars Municipal Police were two transvestites aparar Thursday morning after substantive consideration two thousand dollars, a foreign tourist on 12th Street with 10th Avenue Colony Center.
Being at 06:00 am on Thursday, when the foreign tourist, who gave his name, Donald Patrick, 38 years old, originally from the U.S., ending the spree with some friends in a nightclub on 12th Street with Fifth Avenue, Colony Center.

Same as said when addressing his department which is a block away, but passing through 12th Street with 10th Avenue North Colony Center, was detained by two transvestites who without the permission of the people began to stroke it in different parts of your body offering one of the transvestite oral sex.
But the tourist while under the influences of alcohol, was carried away by the thought that you would meet caresses which he had proposed, but later felt feet one of them pulled out his wallet and left him disappearing into the street, see this transvestite mate, also abandoned by subtracting the amount of 2000 pesos in cash and two credit cards, seeing this gave the tourist part of the municipal authorities. Read Article

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