San Miguel de Allende Mexico: two expatriate women from U.S. accuse police of abuse

One of the victims “crime out of control, police out of control” San Miguel de Allende now referred by some as San Miguel de Juarez.

SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, Guanajuato. reported that two American women reported via a video, that were attacked by local police for a false but that they stole antiques, money cash and were arrested, but the director of Public Safety said that after an analysis found that there is no indication that there was any illegal act by police elements.

The two women in question are identified as Helen Snowden, and her friend Michel Connor. The first owner of a property located in the community band, Pípila street where diligence was performed, and the second just arrived to attend Helen. The incident took place on March 11 shortly after 4:00 pm.
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