Mexico: trainer attacked by his tiger during circus performance, dies

Posted on February 5, 2013 • Filed under: Latin America, Mexico, Travel News

This past Saturday, a citizen from the United States who worked for a circus was mauled to death by one of his tigers during a performance in Etchojoa, Sonora Mexico.
The deceased was a native of the U.S. and worked as Circus tiger tamer Suarez, one of the cats who bit him and injured his neck with his claws. The incident occurred inside the circus tent, located in the Plaza Indian Etchojoa according to

During the performance, the tiger got out of control mauling his trainer in front of an audience. Alexander Crispin, the victim was taken by ambulance to the Red Cross hospital in Huatabampo Sonora.
Alexander Crispin was taken by ambulance to the Red Cross hospital Huatabampo, Sonora where he passed away from shock. Read Article

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