Ecuador: Tourist stranded after refusing to mule a package back to Malaysia

Posted on January 27, 2017 • Filed under: Ecuador, Malaysia, Tourist Stories

PTJ25_260117_FARIZYOUNG MAN REFUSES TO BE A MULE – STRANDED IN ECUADOR FOR TWO MONTHS – NOW HOME SAFELY / Young Businessman given free ticket by a customer in Malaysia to travel to Ecuador. When getting ready to return to his home country, he is asked to take (smuggle) a package back with him. He became suspicious and refused to do so. Then his nightmare began as he found himself stranded and unable to get back home for nearly two months. This is the situation Muhammad Fariz R. Azli, age 24 a financial consultant found himself in while on holiday trip to Ecuador. On December 26, 2016, he contacted the Malaysia embassy in Chile via Facebook. Efforts then began to return the Malaysian man on his first trip abroad by himself to return home. He also had a ticket to leave Ecuador for December 28th which turned out to be fake.


The embassy and honorary consulate in Quito found a family for him to stay with and provided some pocket money. Fariz said he survived the ordeal with the help of hotel workers and only ate bananas and bread throughout the period. He expressed his gratitude to the Malaysian Embassy in Chile for facilitating his travel from Ecuador to Chile, and taking care of his well being before returning home. The young man finally arrived safely back in Malaysia on January 26, 2017.
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Photo: Bernama

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