New Diagnostic Paper Strips test for Ebola, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, in ten minutes

Posted on February 27, 2015 • Filed under: Travel Health reported early diagnoses of deadly diseases holds a vital key in ability of doctors to try and fend off the virus behind the disease and a new paper strip test developed by MIT researchers does just that. The new test can diagnose deadly Ebola, as well as other viral hemorrhagic fevers such as yellow fever and dengue fever, in just 10 minutes.

Currently utilised lab-based tests for Ebola are accurate, but they are time consuming as they involve sending patients’ blood samples to a lab that can perform advanced techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can detect genetic material from the Ebola virus. Some areas of Africa where Ebola and other fevers are endemic have limited access to this kind of technology. Read Full Article

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