Chile: Three foreign tourists never found after nine day search

Posted on November 29, 2012 • Filed under: Latin America, Tourist Missing reported after nine days of fruitless search, by various organizations had concluded the plan aimed to determine the whereabouts of the three missing foreign tourists in the Villarrica Volcano. The latest news about Dmitry Sivenkov (35, a Russian citizen), Gillhem Bellon (25, French) and Luca Ogliengo (25, Italian) are initiating a tour of the volcano on Wednesday November 7. According to witnesses, did not have the necessary equipment to explore the area. The Director (S) of the Araucanía Onemi, Janet Medrano, Emol told that the decision to depose tracking work was consensus among all agencies in charge, which determined that there are no technical reasons to continue the search. “We traveled 32 000 hectares, which included Argentina. After nine days, with the participation of about 300 people, it was decided to end the search, because there are no technical basis for further linking tourists with the sector”, explained. Read Article

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